Top (PPL) Pay Per Lead Affiliate Programs

The ultimate goal of most marketing activities is to generate sales. But before a customer is successfully converted (makes a purchase), they first become a lead. A lead is essentially a potential consumer i.e., they have shown some level of interest in a product or service, but they are yet to make a purchase.

Many affiliate offers will reward publishers only after a successful purchase has been completed. But there are others that reward affiliate marketers for every qualified lead that they generate.

For affiliate marketers, this represents a simpler way to make money because you do not necessarily have to wait until a customer makes a purchase in order to earn your commissions.

Table of Contents

What is Pay Per Lead?

Pay Per Lead (PPL), also known as Cost Per Lead (CPL), is a payment arrangement where an affiliate marketer earns by generating leads for a business. A qualified lead is one that is as close to making a purchase as possible. There are different types of criteria that brands use to determine whether a publisher qualifies for commissions for their referred leads. Some of them include:

  • Signing up for a newsletter
  • Requesting a demo
  • Signing up for a free trial
  • Creating an account
  • Making a deposit
  • Submitting contact information
  • Downloading software or resources such as eBooks
  • Attending a webinar
  • Scheduling an appointment
  • Completing a survey

What are Pay Per Lead Affiliate Programs?

What is a Pay Per Lead Affiliate Program?

PPL programs employ a performance-based commission model. The affiliate marketer earns a commission whenever they generate a new quality lead for the merchant. Often, this means getting the prospective customer to give their contact information. As with other affiliate programs, the terms of the specific action required are usually pre-determined. These actions may include having the lead sign-up for a particular offer, register an account, subscribe for an email newsletter, opt-in, or submit certain information.

Unlike Pay per Acquisition (PPA) programs, the leads don’t have to purchase anything in order for you to earn commissions.

PPL affiliate offers can be very attractive for both new and experienced publishers. Brands primarily run CPL offers to generate leads and create more brand awareness. Having quality leads will almost always translate to potentially higher future revenues for companies. You can help brands achieve their objectives and earn good commissions.

Pay per Lead free signup Affiliate Programs

One of the best options available to you is to join pay per lead free signup affiliate programs. The commission models offered by most affiliate programs are usually variable, with pay per lead and pay per acquisition being the most popular ones. For instance, if you drive a sale for the merchant, you will generate a small commission for it.

This obviously requires more effort. You will have to drive traffic through your marketing to the merchant’s landing pages. If the landing pages are not set up correctly for conversions, you won’t be able to net your commission, despite your best efforts.

That’s where pay per lead free signup affiliate programs come in. For starters, you can signup for these programs without having to incur a signup fee. Instead of receiving a commission on a sale, you will earn a commission for every lead you generate.

Pay per lead programs are generally categorized under cost-per-action programs because you get paid for an action, which is a lead. A lead is simply defined as the contact information of any interested person. This could be an email address or a mobile number.

How to Market and Advertise for Pay per Lead Programs

Should you choose to join a PPL affiliate program, you will need to ramp up your marketing and advertising efforts. You must ensure that they are all directed towards generating high-quality leads. You must use various marketing methods to ensure you maximize your chances of acquiring quality leads.

Affiliate marketers who are only getting started often confuse these programs with PPC programs. Just remember with PPC, your traffic needs to click through to the merchant, whereas with PPL, your traffic needs to complete a basic action (as mentioned above) on the merchant’s site. 

That said, if you are looking to make the most of your advertising tactics, you must first identify the ideal customer’s persona. Then, determine how best you can hook them with an incentive and get them to take the specific action you require. Afterward, figure out how you will offer relevant content that adds value to them. If your audience considers your content as valuable, you will continue earning from it in longevity. All you’ll need to do is keep updating the information periodically.

Pros and Cons of PPL Affiliate Programs

pay per lead affiliate program

Just like any other type of affiliate marketing, Pay per Lead Affiliate programs present both benefits and disadvantages. When scouting for the ideal program, you must understand both sides to make a more informed decision.

Let’s have a look at the two sides of the coin.

The Pros of Pay Per Lead Affiliate Programs

  • It’s easier than trying to get sales

Convincing people to sign up for something is not such a difficult task compared to trying to get them to open their wallets and make a purchase. Generally, with PPL offers, your audience is looking for a solution to a need or a problem, for example, if they want an insurance quote and you can present them with a compelling reason to leave their details, then the hard work is done. The best affiliate marketers often incentive their viewers.  For example, you could choose to give them a freebie like an eBook related to whatever the niche is that will help them. Another popular tactic is to have them participate in a survey that includes their contact information.

  • You still earn commissions, even without purchases

Perhaps one of the best things about PPL programs is that you, as the affiliate marketer, will earn your rewards in commissions, without having to worry about whether a sale takes place or not. This is mainly an advantage if you have a large amount of traffic. If you have niched down, you are more likely to provide the advertiser with quality leads, increasing your earnings.

  • Ideal or difficult-to-convert audiences

Sometimes, you may have difficulty convincing your audience to buy any of the products you market on your site. In this case, PPL programs may be the best choice for you. New affiliate marketers especially have to work extra hard to convince their audience that they are marketing genuine products. Even then, your audience may choose to stick within certain price limits, making it even more challenging for you to level up and introduce high-end affiliate products. You only need to get them to take a particular option and leave the rest to the merchant.

  • Most programs offer multiple ways to earn

Although it’s not always the case, PPL programs often provide different ways for marketers to make money. Some may offer a secondary payout so that the affiliate marketer earns more commissions after the lead purchases. If you have significant, high-quality traffic, PPL programs can provide an excellent opportunity to make substantial earnings. You should also look out for different offers that require different information from the referral. The general rule of thumb is the more information needed from the prospect, the higher the commission i.e., if the prospect only needs to leave their email address you will earn less than if the prospect needs to complete a whole form.

All Pros:

  • It is easier to meet the qualifying conditions for payment with PPL affiliate programs. For instance, it is easier to get someone to fill out a form rather than make a purchase.
  • Reduced budgetary needs. The effective cost to generate a lead is usually much less than that of a buyer.
  • Less risk in that once a lead is generated, whether the merchant converts the lead is their risk and not the affiliate’s risk.
  • PPL affiliate offers are available across many niches so there are endless opportunities.
  • Spreads the risk for the affiliate as generally, the volume of leads is much higher than, for example, a CPS or CPA offer. This means that even if some leads are rejected by the merchant, your commission will not take a big dent compared to a canceled sale, especially with high-ticket items.
  • No threat of returns, chargebacks, or refunds.
  • There is the potential to earn more with some PPL affiliate programs if a customer goes on to make a purchase.

The Cons of Pay Per Lead (PPL )Affiliate Programs

  • Lower commissions

As already mentioned, the commissions you will earn per lead are substantially lower than they would be for a sale. While this can be viewed as a disadvantage, it can also be an advantage because you will get more volume of leads than sales, which means you could potentially earn just as much if not more than a CPS offer. Lead generation is all about volume, so your goal is to generate high volumes of traffic. 

  • Can be highly competitive

Because it’s easier to generate leads than sales, many affiliate marketers operate in this space. This presents 2 key challenges. Firstly, you will be competing for the same audience against many other affiliates, and this becomes even more prominent if you are using paid traffic sources where the costs of buying traffic e.g., PPC can become prohibitively expensive. The second challenge is that merchants will only pay for unique leads, which means if the lead was previously referred by another affiliate, you will not earn from that referral, so you can expect a certain amount of your leads not to qualify for a commission.

 All Cons:

  • PPL affiliate offers have relatively low commissions compared to CPS or CPA offers. However, this is often compensated for by the higher volume.
  • Scrubbing and deduplication by the merchant. Merchants generally do not pay for duplicate leads i.e., leads already in their database. Scrubbing involves removing fake and poor-quality leads, as well as existing clients. Often the exact criterion for scrubbing is not disclosed by the advertiser.
  • There may not be potential for recurring commissions if you are only paid for leads.
  • CPL offers are prone to abuse by unethical publishers which can impact all affiliates. The affiliate program may implement more stringent qualifying criteria, reduced payouts, delayed commissions, and other measures which can inconvenience publishers.

How do I Find Affiliate Programs that Pay per Lead ( PPL/CPL)?

how ti find pay per lead program

affiliate programs, PPL ones are usually cut across different niches. Therefore, regardless of your area of expertise, you’re bound to find a program that works for you. You could either choose to join an individual program, in which case you will have to reach out to the merchants yourself.

However, if you want to only focus on marketing and earning your commissions, you’re better off joining an affiliate network where you will also have access to multiple merchant offers and can sometimes promote multiple offers and earn multiple times from the same traffic. 

When choosing the ideal PPL program or network, ensure you’re conversant with the niche. If possible, choose your niche for affiliate marketing and stick to it. If you’re continuously generating quality content, you can quickly become an authority and gain your audience’s trust. This way, it becomes easier to get them to sign up for offers. Also, you can easily transition to high-end programs once your audience trusts your recommendations.

Before signing up with a pay per lead affiliate program

Before signing up with a pay per lead affiliate program, ensure that you read through the terms of the agreement and that you understand them. You should especially pay attention to what the program terms as a lead and how often you will receive your payouts.

You should also check the commission rates and whether you are okay with them. Confirm that the products you are advertising have significant traffic and that your audience actually wants them.

Finally, be ready to put in the work. Unlike the widespread belief that affiliate marketing is one of the easiest ways to earn passive income, it takes much work to earn significantly. Rather than take it as a side hustle, you will need to make affiliate marketing a full-time job if you want to make a successful career out of it.

Tips for PPL Affiliate Marketers:

affiliate marketing ppl

Well, we’ve covered most of what you need to know about PPL programs. However, it doesn’t hurt to have some tips and tricks up your sleeve. If you aim to make a career out of affiliate marketing, here are five tips to help kickstart your journey to success.

  1. Go through the terms of the agreement

    Most affiliates will overlook going through the details in the agreement. However, it would be best if you took the time to go through the entire document and understand what it entails. Most programs will highlight any restrictions in terms of the agreement, which will help you avoid violating any of their rules and missing out on commissions.

  2. Use visual aids to advertise

    Research shows that people respond better to visual aids. Therefore, if you want to generate quality leads, you should find different visual aids to use in your marketing strategy. If your network or merchant doesn’t provide the materials, take some time to create some visually aesthetic materials, including banners, videos, and widgets. Be sure to include a call to action to encourage your audience to take the action you want.

  3. Use social media marketing 

    If you are not yet on the most popular social platforms, you had better jump on board. These platforms are some of the best places to advertise your products, considering huge volumes of people spend a substantial amount of their time there. Figure out the best platforms for your audience and ensure you leverage them to get the most quality leads from them. When using social media advertising, ensure you’re using the right strategies. Some platforms won’t allow affiliates to promote certain products directly, and you may have to come up with blog posts or videos to include the affiliate links.

  4. Always update your content 

    As an affiliate marketer, you will have to create content to promote your affiliate links. This may include long-form blog posts that introduce the products you’re promoting or compare them with other competitors. Ensure that you update your content every once in a while to feature the latest products and recommendations. This way, you can always remain fresh and relevant. Besides this, you will want to constantly be testing and measuring what works best. In the world of performance marketing, there is no such thing as “set and forget”. You want to be consistently A/B testing to find the perfect mix that will set you apart from your competitors and ultimately put more money in your pocket. 

  5. Use different marketing channels

    You cannot rely on one marketing channel to generate significant commissions. Seeing as you only need to get the prospects to sign up or opt into something, you can advertise the products across different marketing channels to get the best results. Besides social media, check what other channels you can use effectively for your audience. You will more than likely find that different offers perform differently depending on the traffic. 

  6. Don’t neglect the quality 

    You may be tempted to compromise on the quality of your traffic just so you can generate more leads and earn more, but ultimately if your leads are not working out for the merchant, the affiliate program may block you from promoting the offers or reduce your commissions. The best way to understand the quality of your traffic is to track each marketing channel you use and then communicate with your affiliate manager to find out which leads are quality, and which aren’t. With a little bit of dedication, you will establish which marketing channels to scale up and which ones to avoid. 

Pay Per Lead (PPL/CPL ) FAQs

  • 1.     What is a Pay Per Lead Affiliate Marketing Program?

A pay-per-lead affiliate program is one that pays affiliate marketers commissions when they refer leads or prospects, without an actual sale having to be made.

  • 2.     What is the Difference Between Pay Per Lead and Pay Per Click?

Difference Between Pay Per Lead and Pay Per Click

The difference is in the manner that commissions are paid out. In Pay Per Lead, commissions are paid when you refer qualified prospects. A qualified lead is defined by the advertiser and may require that the lead request a quote, fill out a survey, sign up for a trial, or even book a demo. On the other hand, in Pay Per Click, commissions are paid out when a visitor simply clicks on your affiliate link.

  • 3.     Why Do Some Pay Per Lead Affiliate Programs Pay So Little Commission?

The CPL paid by Pay Per Lead programs will vary largely based on the niche. High-value niches will pay higher payouts. However, one of the biggest reasons for low commissions is that the advertiser takes on a lot of risks because only a portion of all leads will convert into sales. In other words, until a lead generates revenues, they are an expense.

  • 4.     Can I Become Rich with Pay Per Lead Affiliate Programs?

Yes, you can. Lead generation is a multi-billion-dollar industry. However, if it were easy, then everyone would be doing it. Success as a PPL affiliate requires a strong understanding and application of online marketing strategies and techniques. Thankfully there is an endless number of online resources and courses to gain all this knowledge.

21 Top Pay Per Lead Affiliate Programs

21 Top Pay Per Lead Affiliate Programs

1.     ShareASale

Having been around since 2000, ShareASale is one of the most popular affiliate marketing networks around. ShareASale is home to over 21,000 brands across 39 consumer categories.

The network has over 350 Pay Per Lead affiliate offers and there are always more programs introduced by different brands on a regular basis. ShareASale has built a reputation as a network with an impressive selection of small and medium businesses, but there are also top brands such as Reebok, Etsy Qatar Airways, and BuzzFeed.

ShareASale has some of the most generous CPL offers around where you can earn up to $30 per lead.

ShareASale Key Features:

  • Diverse PPL affiliate programs
  • Up to $30 per lead
  • Monthly payouts via check, direct deposit, and ACH
  • Low payout threshold of $50
  • Comprehensive resources and reporting
  • Excellent human support

2.     Algo-Affiliates

At Algo-Affiliates, we pride ourselves on being the best-performance affiliate marketing network in the industry. We have curated over 1500 affiliate offers in lucrative niches such as finance, insurance, health & beauty, loans, dating, and home improvement.

We are an award-winning affiliate marketing network with plenty of compelling Pay Per Lead affiliate offers across our different product categories. We provide excellent publisher support, powerful marketing tools, and comprehensive marketing materials in different languages to help our publisher achieve.

Our commissions are some of the highest in the industry, and we have various top technologies to optimize publisher campaigns. Furthermore, publishers are guaranteed on-time payments every time, and our affiliate managers are always on standby to assist.

Algo-Affiliate Key Features

  • Over 1,500 offers
  • Diversified CPL affiliate offers across a range of niches
  • High-paying offers and industry-leading EPCs
  • Lucrative commissions and reliable payments
  • AI-powered Smart-Links that auto-optimize to present the best and most targeted offers.
  • Personal affiliate managers to help you boost your affiliate marketing activity

Top Finance Pay Per Lead Affiliate Programs

Finance is a very lucrative and competitive niche. But with PPL affiliate offers, beginners have a nice entry path into this money-spinning niche. For more experienced affiliates there are many channels to scale up with. Here are some of the top Pay Per Lead affiliate offers in the finance niche:

3.     Robinhood Affiliate Program

Robinhood is a financial asset investing platform that has become particularly popular among millennials. The platform pioneered commission-free trading, with the company pursuing a stated mission of building a financial system for everyone.

The Robinhood affiliate program is a great offer for publishers that wish to capitalize on the finance and crypto niches. Investing apps have been penetrating the masses in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, and Robinhood is one of the best and most well-known brands in the field.

The Robinhood affiliate program pays out $5 per lead, and publishers can earn an additional $20 if their referrals go on to fund their trading accounts. There is comprehensive publisher support, and the company runs numerous promotions throughout the year that you can use to boost your commissions.

Robinhood Key Features:

  • Highly attractive offers
  • High commissions and reliable payments
  • Low payout threshold ($50)
  • Lengthy 30-day cookie
  • Numerous bonuses and promotions throughout the year

4.     National Debt Relief Affiliate Program

National Debt Relief is a debt settlement company that helps individuals to reduce their debt obligations. The company negotiates with creditors to reduce unsecured debts owed by individuals by up to 50%.

In current economic conditions, this is a service that will appeal to many individuals, making it easy to promote the affiliate offer to a wider audience.

The National Debt Relief affiliate program has one of the most generous CPL offers in its niche. Publishers can earn up to $27.50 per lead that successfully requests a quote and holds an unsecured debt of at least $10,000. The program also pays publishers a 12% monthly recurring commission on every affiliate that signs up through their link.

National Debt Relief Key Features:

  • High commissions per lead, plus recurring commissions for referring other affiliates
  • A short 6-field form to be completed by a lead
  • Many types of debts qualify for their debt relief programs
  • 60-day cookie duration
  • Optimized marketing resources to boost your marketing efforts
  • Convenient payment methods (check, direct deposit, ACH)

5.     Personal Capital Affiliate Program

Personal Capital is a financial advisory company that helps individuals and businesses to plan their finances and manage their wealth. Its customer portfolio currently stands at over 3.4 million and more than 33,000 investment clients, who cumulatively have assets of over $20.5 billion under management.

The Personal Capital affiliate program rewards publishers with a generous commission of $100 per lead. A qualified lead is one that completes a free sign-up via your affiliate link and links their portable financial assets of at least $100,000 to the Personal Capital dashboard.

While generating these types of high-value leads may not be easy to find, the high commissions compensate for this. The company is highly reputable and offers additional bonus perks for CPL affiliates.

Personal Capital Key Features:

  • 30-day cookie duration
  • Monthly reliable payments
  • High one-off commission and opportunity for additional bonus perks
  • Free sign-up and excellent support
  • Top technologies powered by Impact

6.     Acorns Affiliate Program

Acorns is a leading micro-investing app that has attracted over 9 million customers and more than $15 billion in assets under management. The app is mobile-focused and targets millennials allowing them to invest extra money automatically.

The company channels investments into low-cost, diversified ETFs offered by A-list asset managers such as Blackrock and Vanguard.

The Acorns Affiliate program pays a generous $5 CPL commission for any qualified lead and when the lead funds their account, you get an additional $10 CPA.

The Acorns affiliate program is very lucrative and can appeal to the tech-savvy millennial audience that wishes to invest even with minimal amounts.

Acorns Key Features:

  • Lucrative commissions of $5 per lead + $10 for conversions
  • Numerous captivating creatives
  • Well-known brand
  • 30-day cookie duration
  • Multiple convenient payment options (PayPal, check, wire transfer, local bank transfer)

Best Pay Per Lead Insurance Affiliate Programs

The world is still suffering from the shocks of the post-COVID-19 pandemic. In times of uncertainty, one of the most flourishing industries is insurance. It may be inconvenient for many people to sign up and pay insurance premiums, but it is even more inconvenient to pay for entire damages when an unlikely event occurs. With that in mind, here are some of the top CPL Insurance affiliate programs:

7.     Liberty Mutual

Founded in 1912, Liberty Mutual has grown to become one of the leading global property and casualty insurers. The company has operations in over 30 countries and has built a strong brand that easily sells.

The Liberty Mutual affiliate program pays $3 per lead for Renters Insurance and $10 per lead for Home and Auto insurance. A qualified lead is a customer that visits the Liberty Mutual site via your affiliate link and successfully completes a quote.

Liberty Mutual also offers additional earnings opportunities for publishers that can drive more traffic. There is the potential to earn up to $83 with a 7-day earnings-per-click offer.

Liberty Mutual Key Features

  • Competitive commissions for the insurance niche
  • Numerous marketing creatives available on request
  • Periodic promotions to boost earning potential
  • Convenient payment options (check, direct deposit, ACH)
  • 30-day cookie duration
  • Excellent support

8.     Petplan Affiliate Program

Popularly referred to as the pet people, Petplan is an insurance company that provides cover for domestic pets such as cats, dogs, horses, and rabbits. The company has been in existence since 1976 and has helped millions of pet lovers over the years.

Veterinary services for pets have steadily seen a rise in prices, making pet insurance a necessity for many pet owners. Petplan has an affiliate program that pays out $25 per qualified lead. A qualified lead is one that has successfully completed a quote.

Petplan offers pet lovers different perks, such as pet advice, pet training, and even virtual vet consultations. All these extras should make it worthwhile to promote Petplan PPL offers.

Petplan Key Features:

  • 30-day cookie duration
  • Numerous marketing creatives. Customized materials also available on request
  • Convenient payment methods available (direct deposit, PayPal)

9.     Lemonade Affiliate Program

Lemonade is an insurance company that wants to revolutionize the entire industry. With premiums from as low as $5, Lemonade has quickly become a beloved insurance company known for the quick processing of claims and a passion for social impact.

Out of the premiums paid out by customers, Lemonade invests a huge chunk of it into important social causes. This has endeared the company to the modern socially conscious demographic.

The company runs a Partner Program that pays out $15 per qualified lead, and up to $25 per sale. The signup process at Lemonade is quick and easy, and this can also boost your campaign’s success.

Lemonade Key Features:

  • 30-day cookie duration
  • Strong and respected brand with diverse insurance products
  • No campaign or referral limits (some insurance companies have such restrictions)

10.  Hiscox

Hiscox is an insurance company that focuses on cover for small businesses and freelancers. The company was founded in 1901 and has grown to be a leading global diversified insurance services provider.

Hiscox runs a referral program that pays out $25 for every successful lead that is tracked back to you. The quote form is simple and straightforward and can be quickly completed by your interested audience.

Hiscox Key Features:

  • Strong, reputable brand
  • Diversified services with a focus on small and medium business
  • $25 per lead
  • 7-day cookie duration
  • Convenient payment methods (check, direct deposit, Payoneer)

11.  Fabric Affiliate Program

Fabric by Gerber Life is a digitally convenient insurance company that sells life, accident, and health insurance for families. The company is backed by Western & Southern company, a firm that has been in operation since the 19th century.

Generating leads for Fabric will earn you $25 for every valid lead. In its terms and conditions, a valid referral must not be a previous customer of Fabric and must complete a qualifying application and in turn, receive an approved offer.

The company offers quick payments, but there is a limit on the amount a single publisher can earn in a year.

Fabric Key Features:

  • Quick payments
  • Universal Visa gift card as payment after a lead is qualified
  • Trusted brand with a targeted product portfolio

Top SaaS Pay Per Lead Affiliate Programs

The software-as-a-service industry has grown exponentially in recent years. It is now estimated that over 70% of the software that companies use is SaaS-based. The trend also gathered momentum in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic as cloud-based apps allowed individuals and companies to operate online cheaply and conveniently.

In the affiliate world, SaaS is categorized as a high-volume, high-commission niche that is worth a try for any new or experienced publisher. Here are some of the best Pay Per Lead SaaS affiliate programs.

12.  ClickFunnels

ClickFunnels is a top-rated website and sales funnel builder tool that is designed to optimize the conversion of traffic. Customers use the software to boost their marketing efforts by utilizing features such as sales funnels, landing pages, A/B testing, email marketing, CRM, and receipt of payments.

The ClickFunnels affiliate program has a PPL element where publishers can earn $1 per lead for visitors that sign up for a free eBook. There is however a more lucrative recurring affiliate commission offer of up to 40% revenue share monthly if your visitors purchase a subscription.

ClickFunnels is a high-converting affiliate program that also boasts a huge and active online community that serves as a comprehensive knowledge base.

ClickFunnels Key Features:

  • $1 per lead, plus a generous recurring commission when the lead converts
  • Well-known online app
  • Great support for publishers
  • 45-day cookie duration

13.  Freshbooks Affiliate Program

Freshbooks is an accounting and bookkeeping software that helps professionals and businesses to efficiently perform tasks such as invoicing, time tracking, automating payments, tracking expenses, managing projects, as well as other accounting tasks.

The app is available on both desktop and mobile devices, and plans start from as low as $6 per month. There is a 30-day free trial option as well as a customizable demo on request. The Freshbooks affiliate program pays out up to $10 per lead. Additionally, you can earn up to $200 if your visitor eventually upgrades to a paid plan.

Freshbooks Key Features:

  • High commissions
  • Free trial and demo to increase signups
  • Long 120-day cookie life
  • Excellent support for publishers

14.  Semrush Affiliate Program

Semrush is an all-inclusive tool that helps its customers significantly boost their online marketing efforts. The app features a collection of over 55 tools and reports designed to help customers boost their online visibility as well as access valuable marketing insights.

The Semrush affiliate program offers lucrative commissions in a combination of CPL and CPA (cost per action) models. There is a $0.01 commission for every referral that completes a successful signup, a further $10 for every lead that registers for a free trial, plus a juicy $200 commission for every sale.

Semrush Key Features

  • Generous commissions – ability to earn from every step in the funnel
  • Low PPL demands to activate commissions
  • Long 120-day cookie duration
  • Dedicated publisher support team

15.  QuickBooks Affiliate Program

QuickBooks is arguably the most popular accounting and payroll software in the world. The platform offers features that target all levels of businesses and individuals that require any type of accounting platform.

The QuickBooks affiliate program pays out $5 for every lead that signs up for a free trial. The commissions are further bumped up when your referrals upgrade to a paid subscription.

QuickBooks Key Features:

  • Strong and trusted brand
  • 45-day cookie duration
  • Check payments
  • Frequent discounts that may help boost conversion

Best Real Estate Pay Per Lead Affiliate Programs

16.  Buildium Affiliate Program

Buildium is a property management software that offers a SaaS solution in the lucrative property niche. The app helps with the efficient management of all types of properties. It has capabilities in all major real estate categories such as leasing, marketing, and payments.

Major services include tools such as tenant screening, eSignatures, online payments, and maintenance requests. The Buildium affiliate program pays out $10 per lead that successfully signs up for a free trial of their product. Buildium monthly subscriptions range from $52 to $479, and you will be eligible for a generous $25 recurring commission for every lead that upgrades.

Buildium Key Features:

  • 60-day cookie life
  • High commissions per lead
  • Convenient payment methods (check, bank wire, direct deposit, PayPal)
  • Lucrative real estate affiliate marketing opportunity

17.  New Silver Affiliate Program

New Silver is a tech-oriented loan provider for real estate investors. The company has sought to cut the bureaucracy that is associated with real estate lending.

The company offers competitive loans to ‘ground-up’ developers, property flippers, and long-term property loan seekers. New Silver pays up to $50 for every qualified lead i.e., a lead that successfully completes a real estate loan application.

The company further pays up to $750 for every lead that successfully secures a loan. The affiliate sign-up process is simple and straightforward, and there are no commission limits.

New Silver Key Features:

  • Generous commissions
  • Easy sign-up process
  • Convenient services to real estate investors

Best Green Energy Pay Per Lead Affiliate Programs

Sustainability is now a ‘green’ and trending niche. Here are some of the top clean energy, pay per lead affiliate programs:

18.  SunPower Affiliate Program

Headquartered in Silicon Valley, SunPower is one of the leading solar solutions providers in the US. the company has served its customers since 1985, and currently has many products that have outlasted its much-talked-about 25-year warranty.

The company holds over 1000 patents, a feat that marks it out as an innovation leader in this lucrative niche. The SunPower affiliate program is also one of the most generous pay-per-lead offers in the market. Publishers can earn up to $120 per lead. A lead qualifies when a successful appointment has been booked with SunPower.

SunPower Key Features:

  • High commissions of up to $120 per lead
  • 45-day cookie duration
  • Growing niche to promote
  • Strong brand
  • Multiple convenient payments (PayPal, check, bank wire, local bank transfer)

Top Software Pay Per Lead Affiliate Programs

19.  Grammarly Affiliate Program

Grammarly is a communication app that simply helps its users to write better. The app has features that can check for errors in spelling, grammar, citation, tone, fluency, style, and other writing analytics.

The base app is free, but there is a paid plan that starts from $144 annually (or $12 per month). The Grammarly affiliate program pays out $0.20 per lead that successfully completes the 1-minute sign-up process.

Additionally, publishers will earn a 20% commission for every successful sale. Grammarly has a reported conversion rate of 20-30%, which can mean potentially a lot more commission for affiliates.

Grammarly Key Features:

  • Market leading writing software
  • Lengthy 90-day cookie duration
  • Cash bonuses and increased payouts for top-performing affiliates
  • Higher conversion rates

Best Online Security Pay Per Lead Affiliate Program

20.  IdentityIQ Affiliate Program

IdentityIQ is a service that protects users against identity theft. The platform also offers complementary services such as credit reporting, credit monitoring, and identity theft insurance.

Identity theft is one of the biggest threats that people face online, and IdentityIQ ensures that its users never have to worry about that. The app tracks and alerts you when your personal details have been utilized anywhere online. Users can also claim up to $1 million in reimbursement for funds stolen due to identity theft.

The IdentityIQ affiliate program pays out $1 for any lead that successfully signs up for the 7-day trial. If a purchase is made, publishers can earn up to $50 per sale.

IdentityIQ Key Features:

  • 30-day cookie duration
  • Potential to earn higher commissions
  • Multiple convenient payment options (bank wire, ACH, BACS)
  • Dedicated support for publishers

Top Online Survey Pay Per Lead Affiliate Program

21.  Swagbucks Affiliate Program

Swagbucks is a leading platform that rewards individuals for popular fun activities they randomly perform online. People can earn cash rewards, gift cards, or coupons when they shop, answer surveys, watch videos, or play games online.

The Swagbucks affiliate program pays out $2.20 for every qualifying lead who signs up and confirms his/her email address. Only leads generated in the following 6 countries are considered valid: the US, UK, Australia, France, Canada, and the Republic of Ireland.

Swagbucks provides extensive creatives to help publishers maximize their marketing efforts.

Swagbucks Key Features:

  • High volume niche
  • 30-day cookie duration
  • Various convenient payment methods (ACH, BACS, bank wire)
  • Comprehensive marketing resources

Final Word

PPL Final Word

Pay Per Lead affiliate marketing programs are popular among publishers because they allow publishers to earn commissions without being concerned about conversions. However, because of these low barriers to earn, the payouts are much lower than CPA or CPS affiliate offers.

Therefore, in order to achieve success with pay per lead offers, and earn a decent income, the name of the games is volume. In the list above of the 21 Best Pay Per Lead Affiliate Programs, all these programs, and their respective CPL offers have plenty of potential for generating large numbers of leads.